ANti-miscegenation LAws
Source: Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project
"Before the war we, the Filipinos, could not marry white women here in California, and we couldn't bring our women over with us. This is why today so many Filipinos are old with no family and no home.
'I, myself, fell in love with a white woman here and we decided to get married. When we went to get the marriage license we were told that we could not get married. Some of my friends told me that in New Mexico they married Caucasians and non-Caucasians, so I took my bride to Lordsburg and we were married. "But when we got back to California I can still remember the anger 'and humiliation I· felt when I would be walking with my wife and some of the Anglos would say things to us like 'Hey, monkey' , and, 'What are you doing with that white woman, you dirty Flip!"
"In those days we could not even buy a house or own land, and we couldn't become citizens. Here in the 'land of the free' we, the Filipinos, could not be free,"
- ]ulian Balidoy, UFWOC Member
'I, myself, fell in love with a white woman here and we decided to get married. When we went to get the marriage license we were told that we could not get married. Some of my friends told me that in New Mexico they married Caucasians and non-Caucasians, so I took my bride to Lordsburg and we were married. "But when we got back to California I can still remember the anger 'and humiliation I· felt when I would be walking with my wife and some of the Anglos would say things to us like 'Hey, monkey' , and, 'What are you doing with that white woman, you dirty Flip!"
"In those days we could not even buy a house or own land, and we couldn't become citizens. Here in the 'land of the free' we, the Filipinos, could not be free,"
- ]ulian Balidoy, UFWOC Member