actively support the union
"El Macriado", the UFWOC’s publication, featured the Filipino leaders and farmworkers in the forefront of the Delano Grape Strike of 1965.
"The day of September 8, 1965 will be remembered not only throughout California, or throughout the United States and Mexico. It will be a honored and important anniversary throughout the far-away Phillipine Islands.
Because on this day, the brave Filipino grape pickers in the area of Delano, California put down their grape knives and began the valiant struggle which is not yet ended.
Just as a handful of Filipinos under Douglas MacArthur held up the entire Japanese army at Corregedor and Bataan in 1942—thus did a handful of Filipinos in Delano, barely 500 workers, begin the strike which has had attention all over the world, and which will change the face of agriculture in the entire Southwest."
- Excerpt from "Our Filipino Brothers"
El Malcriado Newsletter (December 29, 1966, page 31)